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Travel the World with grade 10A
Friday, January 26, 2024

We were on to a big treat: A mini musical presented by grade 10A. The story centered around a man and a travel agent who travel the world, visiting one country after another, sampling different cultures, and witnessing rites and dances. We were even treated to Mongolian throat singing! The event was funny, dramatic, spectacular and well-presented. What struck the audience was the spirit of proactive camaraderie, with a whole class working together under the supervision of their teacher of English, Mr Joe Rachid.

The credit to all of this goes to the student Melanie Rabbat. She conceived the event, wrote the script, directed the action, coached the acting, overseered the dances, designed the costumes, and orchestrated the whole shebang along with the enthusiastic cooperation of her class. 

Congratulations Mr Joe, Melanie, and grade 10A.