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Dictation from Lebanon
Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The iconic Dictation from Lebanon was presented to the grade school students by Mrs Nathalia Georgi, and to the older students by Mrs Lina Bou Malhab. Many students participated, and others in the audience pitched in. It was an exciting occasion, especially when Mrs Bou Malhab gave her infamous tongue twister.

The winners in the Junior category were Joy Abi Yazbek (first), Mariam al-Ghnayma (second position), Tony Dagher (second position) and James Mahshi (third position).

In the senior category, the winners were Cynthia Azarian (first), Markus Kashouh (second - absent, not in picture), and Dea Abou Zeid (third)

Congratulations to the students, and thanks to the organizing teachers!