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Green Apple Day of Service - take 2
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The international Green Apple Day of Service started much earlier by Dar al Handassah. Now, on the second visit of Dar al Handassah, the students of grade 8 A and B presented their projects in which they recycled material for artistic or utilitarian purposes. The students of grade 8 excelled and presented impressive projects. The winners got certificates, medals and copies of the book about the Lebanese hero, Maxime Chaaya. Immense thanks, Dar al Handassah! 

The winners are:

First prize: The Three Musketeers - Mini Babyfoot. Kelly, Grace and Jessie!

Second prize: Mac and J - Shoe Box. Joy, Adel, Cedric and Michel! 

Third prize: JPL - Water Dispenser. Jake, Peter and Lucas! 

Honorable mention: The Guardians of the Galaxy - The Archemides Screw. Joe, Rayan, Mohammad and Gaelle!

Congratulations on a great job!